Sahiyar Club Welcomes you

Navaratri Festival

Our great Story

Sahiyar Club and Sahiyar Rasotsav formed to bring people together from last 15 years who are interested in Garba and rass. Garba and raas are types of folk dances that find their roots primarily in the western province of GUJARAT. Traditional, they are danced during the nine nights of Navaratri that typically occur in September or October. Garba and Raas have also evolved into a performance-oriented style of dance, in which traditional Garba and Raas sequences are combined to create a unique dance routine.

Our club combines both the competitive and social aspects of traditional Garba and Raas. The mission of Sahyar Club is to actively engage everyone, whether they have had any prior Garba and Raas experience or are completely new to this type of dance. We request you to please consider supporting our endeavours as we provide a quick glimpse into what our club is about and the benefit you shall gain as a sponsor...

Our Portfolio




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Contact Us

We are here to help you Monday TO Sunday, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM.
Fill the next online form to get in touch with our friendly support team!

Sahiyar Club & Sahiyar Rashotsav

If you have any further suggestions, questions or comments, here are the best ways to connect with us!

Phone : +91 8980021321
Email :
Location : Silver chamber, 3rd floor, office no. 312, tagore road, opp. atul auto

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